Pay over time with Card ExtendPay. (DESCRIPTION) In a cartoon, a woman with a tight hair bun stands in a living room. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: This is Erika. Erika needed a new couch, so she bought one and used Card Extend Pay to extend her couch payment over time for a small monthly fee. (DESCRIPTION) A dashed outline of a couch fills with a blue and gray couch. Erika's hand holds a smart phone with a page that reads, Payment & Term options, with options for 6, 12, or 18 payments. The thumb taps the first option, and a $750 price tag splits into six $125 price tags, which in turn become $132 price tags. (SPEECH) To make sure she doesn't pay off Card Extend Pay earlier than she planned and avoids paying interest on new purchases, she pays her plan adjusted balance each month instead of her statement balance. (DESCRIPTION) Erika's thumb taps the Plan Adjusted Balance button on the smartphone app. (SPEECH) The difference-- Erika's statement balance includes her monthly purchases and the entire price of her new couch, whereas her plan adjusted balance includes her monthly purchases and her more manageable monthly Extend Pay payment. (DESCRIPTION) On the app, the statement balance of $750 switches to the Plan Adjusted balance of $132. (SPEECH) As always, she can make a one time payment or skip the hassle of remembering by setting up Auto Pay. (DESCRIPTION) Erika's thumb selects the option to set up Autopay. In the list of options, it chooses the plan adjusted balance. (SPEECH) Once her entire Extend Pay balance is paid off, Auto Pay switches over to paying her monthly statement balance. (DESCRIPTION) The Autopay page on the phone changes to display that it is paying the statement balance. (SPEECH) New couch, manageable monthly price tag. Easy as that. (DESCRIPTION) Logo, Elan. Text, Copyright 2024 Elan Financial Services. All trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. Disclaimer. You may designate up to 50% of your credit card line, $100 minimum, in eligible credit card purchase and pay in monthly installments with just a small fixed monthly fee. Only Purchase balances are eligible for Card Extend Pay plans. Transactions identified as Advances or Balance Transfers, as defined in your Cardmember Agreement, and any interest or fees, including Annual Fee, do not apply. The only Purchases that will appear as "Eligible Purchases" in the enrollment process are Purchases that were made within 60 days prior to signing up for a Card ExtendPay Plan, are over $100, and are less than your Purchase balance when you sign up for a Card Extend pay plan. The monthly fixed fee will be determined when your Card ExtendPay plan is created and is provided to you before you complete setting up a Card ExtendPay plan. The fee will remain the same until the Card ExtendPay plan is paid in full. The monthly fixed fee of the Card ExtendPay Plan is based upon the original principal amount, Purchase APR, and other factors. When you set up a Card ExtendPay plan, the total monthly payment obligation will be included in your monthly Minimum Payment. If you have any Card ExtendPay plan balances, you may avoid interest charges on new Purchases by paying the Plan Adjusted Balance in full each month. The Plan Adjusted Balance is your non-Card ExtendPay plan balance plus the total monthly Card ExtendPay plan payment, not including any disputed amounts. You may pay the Card ExtendPay plan balances off early by paying your current balance in full, which includes activity on your Account since the previous statement. You will see the Card Extend pay plan in your credit card dashboard in Online Banking and the Mobile App. The Card ExtendPay offer may be withdrawn based on activity on your credit card account after the offer was made. If you are no longer eligible for this offer, you will not be able to access the enrollment site. Your eligible purchases will still earn you any rewards your credit card would otherwise offer. Refer to your Cardmember Agreement for details. For Card Extend Pay offers to small business accounts, only you, as your company's Authorized Officer, (A.O.), may enroll in a Card Extend pay plan. All references to quote, you, unquote, and, quote, your, unquote, apply to you as the A.O.. If your company's card program is set up with central billing, you may select Card ExtendPay-eligible Purchases when viewing the central billing account, which includes Purcahses made on employee cards. If your company is setup with individual billing, you may only select Purchases made on your own card account. The creditor and issuer of these Cards is Elan Financial Services, pursuant to separate licenses from Visa U.S.A. Inc., Mastercard International Incorporated, and American Express. MasterCard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. American Express is a federally registered service mark of American Express.